In case you didn’t know, Platinum is a premium in-game currency used in Warframe.
Most players don’t know that there is an easy way to make Platinums. They usually think that making Platinums is a really hard and long process. Through this guide, we will give you the right tips so that you’ll start earning more Platinums a lot faster.
Vaulted Primes and Relics cannot be farmed anymore, so now people need to buy it in the Warframe Market to obtain it.
There are lots of relics that can be sold for more than 100 Platinums. That’s good business, isn’t it?
On the other hand, you can buy unvaulted relics and sell them later in the game when they’re vaulted. You can get lots of platinums this way.
This guy brings mods and weapons once in a while. Lots of players want them, so it’s a good chance to get your hands in the business. Once you get something from Baro, keep it and sell it later. The profit will be huge, especially if the thing you’ve bought has come for the first time in the game.
Buy or Sell Riven Mods
Probably, the best way to earn more Platinums is ‘RIVEN MODS’. It may take more time than the other methods, but it’s super effective. It’s worth the wait! Buy unrolled Riven Mods for not more than 100 Platinums, and roll them. If you get some trendy stuff, you’ll be earning thousands of Platinums after selling them.
You can also buy veiled riven mods and keep them for some time. Stay updated and check when a new prime access drops or a new weapon is added. Then, unveil it because the changes to get the riven for that new weapon are very big.
If you need Platinums urgently…
Search for the prime parts you’re trying to sell and check the lowest price in there. Then, put a price just a liiiiitle bit lower for your part and put it in the market. It’ll most likely work.
These methods are the most useful ones when it comes to earning more Platinums fast. Other ways like selling mods are not that much effective and take lots of time.